Events that would be of interest to the healing community will be listed here. If you know of something that would appeal to healers please let me know and I will post it on this page.
Healing Touch Level 1
Course Description
Level I begins with 16 continuing education hours of instruction, allowing persons with varying backgrounds to enter, acknowledge their previous learning’s and to further develop concepts and skills in energy-based therapy. A strong commitment to personal growth is required.
Course Content
- Energy system concepts related to health.
- Basics of the energy system, location and function of the chakras
- Assessment of the energy field and energy centers
- Meditation for centering and maintaining energetic flow
- Selected intervention techniques: basic Healing Touch sequence, Magnetic Clearing, Chakra Connection (1 on 1, 2 on 1, self), Headache Techniques (tension, migraine, sinus), Ultra Sound, Laser, Chakra Spread, Scudder (optional), Mind Clearing (optional)
- Principles of self-healing
- Personal development of the Healing Touch Practitioner
- Legal and professional aspects of touch therapies
Instructor: Linnie Thomas HTCP/I
May 3 & 4, 2014 , Saturday: 9 AM to 6 PM, Sunday 9 AM to 6 PM
Vancouver VA Hospital, Columbia Room
1601 E 4th Plain Blvd
Vancouver WA 98661
Cost: tuition and text book $363; VA employees $275; students $200; repeats $150
Maria Anderson: